On my work desktop I have three machines. “Why three machines” I hear you ask?
All this leaves me with 3 machines (well two of them are under the desk), 4 monitors, 3 keyboards, 3 mice and a pair of speakers. Plus I’ve got a phone on my desk too. I was getting annoyed with the huge amount of desktop dedicated to keyboards and I’m always impressed by those people with 16 monitors all lined up dragging windows all over the place.
In the end I decided that x2vnc looked like an excellent idea - so I installed it on my workstation which occupies the central two screen slots on my desk. I then installed OSXvnc on the iMac and RealVNC on the Windows machine. Setup both VNC servers to start automatically gave both machines a quick reboot and there we go.
Then I created some scripts to connect the desktops at the click of a button and put a link on my startbar - now all I have to do is login to my Workstation, click a button and with one keyboard and mouse I can navigate across 3 computers and 4 screens… excellent!
while [ $EXIT != 0 ]; do
x2vnc -passwdfile ~/.vncpass -west ccsjslin:0 2>&1 >/dev/null
while [ $EXIT != 0 ]; do
x2vnc -passwdfile ~/.vncpass -east ccsjsmac:0 2>&1 >/dev/null
Magic innit?